
Ready for toddlerhood???

Ryanna has been big into hugs and kisses for a few months. About a month ago she started hugging objects, holding them to her shoulder, leaning her head onto them, and using her hand to pat them...as if on the back. It was pretty hilarious because she would only do this with her shoe and a certain calculator at Brian's work. Over the last week, however, she has shifted her affections to more typical items like stuffed animals and her dolly. I will admit though that she was much gentler with the shoe and calculator than she is with her dolly. It's amazing how the mothering instint can be alive in a girl less than a year old!

I don't know if I have posted a sad picture of Ryanna on the blog before....except for the snowsuit ones of course cause they were too funny! But I thought it was about time to show the world that it isn't all smiles and giggles(though 97% of the time it really is). Ryanna is recently obsessed with #1 our cellphones, #2 the remotes, and #3 watching videos of herself on the laptop. When we stop her from playing with said obsessions an angry toddler emerges, though it is usually quickly resolved by hiding the temptation.

This night was so a-typical that I had to record it. The last three weeks I have been forced to realize that my baby is not really a baby anymore!! Ryanna is certainly blossoming into an energetic toddler. Hard for us to believe!

Yes, I can put clips in Ryanna's hair! She has a lot more than the pictures show.
Care for a sample?


Linzi said...

I love the picture of Ryanna in the red shirt with the clip in her hair. She is so cute! Her birthday is coming up. Is it going to be dinosaur themed?? Just kidding. I love seeing your daughter grow up even if it's through the blog.


It is hard to imagine how fast Ryanna is growing up... I think the dino-themed birthday party sounds like a great idea :) Was that oatmeal that she was eating? Sometimes I think that baby food can be cruel and unusual in its taste and appearance. (not that I actually eat a lot of baby food). TOO CUTE that girl of yours!