It has been our goal to include more about ourselves in these blogs. More about Brian and Kristin, and the same if not more about Ryanna. Yeah, yeah, Ryanna is the cute one, but Kristin and Brian have more interesting lives at the moment.
Where to start? My friend Kent says that he loves to just pick a subject or question and then expound on it. No real questions come to mind, so I will introduce our home and our lives, starting with the kitchen.
This is our kitchen. Every night between 6 and 7 Ryanna gets her final meal before bed. Kristin wasn't thrilled about posing for this picture. I figure that I should get her in action in the kitchen. What you can't see is the fridge, washer and dryer. The kitchen is also the laundry room. Since it has been below 0 degrees most of the last month, we only use the kitchen door so this is the main traffic point of the house. The plants in the background are our neighbors. We are plant-sitting because her house has a boo-boo. Mary, our neighbor, went out of town for the holidays and the New Year. On Mary's birthday, New Years Eve, Kristin went to go check on her apartment. With the heat entirely turned off, the pipes got so cold on this -8 degree night that they decided to burst and break. Kristin did wonderful coordinating the emergency clean-up and now we get to watch the soaked/drywall covered plants.
Asleep yet?That same night I was at our radio station concert to bring in the new year. The two headlining bands were 'Feel Never Real' and 'Advent.' Just like the big concert in August featuring 'Crossfade,' 'Drowning Pool,' and 'Advent,' I got to interview the bands live on the air. If you read closely you will realize that I interviewed Advent twice, once for each concert. Well, even though Advent was the opening act in the summer concert, the people of the Basin wanted them back, so four months later we brought them back. Advent is on the verge of big things... they have since played Denver and hit some more radio stations. They are all nice guys and I hope they stay that way... but, it is only the reality that once stardom comes, the egos pick up and take over.
They put on a good show. With just over 700 people buying tickets and partying with us New Years Eve, Advent delivered and showed why they are soon to be big. Feel Never Real was good as well, it was their first trip to Vernal as a band and they were much anticipated because their album ROCKS. Did I mention that Feel Never Real released their second album that night in Vernal??
Check out those bands websites, both myspaces... , and
I wish I got pictures of this performance... or even some of me with the band, but I am notoriously bad for forgetting my camera. I had the best seats in the house, standing right in front of the stage, between the barrier and the stage off to the stage left side. Incredible place to watch a show.
As soon as pictures are up, I will give a link on here... most likely to the radio station website: ...we will be streaming soon as well :)
I got home about 2:30 in the morning, this after cleaning up about 1000 beer cans and stacking about 200 chairs.
Then came New Years Day and all the low key time with my awesome family. I am so glad that I can be back at work without the concern of all the holidays anymore. During the days I work with the Can Do crew... What is that you ask??????? Maybe the title of my next LIFE update.
1 week ago
Well, you may doubt the significance that posts like this hold, but now Kent may actually leave a comment on your blog. :) But don't worry, I think Ryanna is absolutely adorable and totally blog-worthy.
Well I WAS going to leave a comment but then I saw my wife's comment saying that I would, so I decided not to...wait a second...
Thanks for doing that, Balds, I thought it was dashed interesting. Keep them coming, that means you, too, Kristin. Not that I'm anti-baby...but I sort of am until I have my own. Then my whole world will get turned upside down.
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