Two unbelievably talented friends here in Vernal wanted to do a little photo shoot with Quinten and I gratefully agreed. Quinten was 10 days old and I LOVE everything they did. My only regret is that I didn't have Brian stop by for a few mintues to get some Father/Son/Children shots. So please let me know which are your favorites. I need to pick out one of Quinten alone for our living room wall - that's the big decision right now. I'll also get a print of Ryanna with Quinten for the living room. Enjoy!!
Quinten Photo Shoot: Thank you Mindi and Sha!!!
Another week come and gone
Ryanna has become more "helpful" this week always wanting to assist with changing Quinten or just hugging him because she says he is sad. Either way we've had to be diligent in keeping him safe from an eye gouging while encouraging Ryanna's willingness to help and be kind. It's a tough balance to strike but we're just grateful she is enjoying baby brother.
Quinten is such a smiler in his sleep. I haven't caught a good picture of it yet but in this pic he just started smiling and making coo sounds in his sleep. Such a cute little guy!
Princess dress up AND dad's Red's baseball batting hat: see Brian she can be girly and sporty at the same time. :)
We've all been pretty tired these last few weeks - that's just one of the adjustments!
We've had so many packages, cards, and thoughtful phone calls wishing us luck with Quinten. Ryanna hasn't had time to be jealous because so many people have also sent gifts for her. This Ariel doll couldn't have been a more perfect gift. Thanks Cheryl!!!!
Well Brian got his recliner. I have to admit that we all love it though even though I wasn't as excited about getting it as he was. We all have had our share of naps in it!
This is an awkward angle but just too cute to pass up. He just kept smiling and I wanted to capture it to share.
Brian's mentor gave us a Walmart gift card for Quinten so I decided to get him an activity center. He is a bit little for it yet but I was surprised to see how interested he was in the mirror above him.
A week old already
Actually today Quinten is 9 days old. He has been a wonderful newborn who eats, sleeps, poops plenty and has hardly cried yet (a clean diaper and full tummy keep him content so far)! He wakes up every couple hours at night but so far goes back to sleep once he's eaten so I feel like I've been getting some okay sleep. I remember Ryanna would wake up in the middle of the night and then want to be awake for an hour or more - at the time I thought this would kill me. I feel a little more up for whatever Quinten might do. Just take it one day at a time. One nice thing this time around is I know that no matter how challenging something might be, like getting up in the night several times, with a baby it always changes...and in general most things get easier as you adjust and as the baby grows up. It all goes so fast so I just want to enjoy each little stage and the newborn stage is so precious and special. I truly love this growing family the Lord has blessed me with. I learn new things about myself and living life as I care for and enjoy one strong willed 2-year-old, one sleepy newborn, and one great hubby. I hope everyone had a great Easter and took some time to remember that Jesus Christ conquered death and was resurrected and so one day we all will be too.
Easter outfit
Home at Last!!
Ryanna was happy to see baby brother Quinten and tickle his toes. She especially loved all the things that came home with him: candy, balloons, Mommy. So far she's doing great.
I wanted to share this HOT picture of myself. This was just after 5:00pm as we were waiting for the Doctor and getting ready to push. Too much info? mwa hahahaha. So for being in full blown labor I look pretty comfy and happy right? That's because I am. Oh the reason I wanted to show this picture was to make an Ode to the Epidural. Anyone who has known me long enough to remember my Ode to the Pickle will know how much I must love the epidural, "my life saving majesty." (That was the final line of the Ode to the Pickle - anyone thinking I'm crazy?) The cutest little guy I've ever seen! I was really freaked out when I saw him because he looked SOOO tiny. I kept asking "how much does he weigh!?!?!?!" I was incredibly relieved when they said he was a healthy 7lbs 12oz.