Ryanna continues to adore her little brother and prides herself in helping give him baths, put in his binky, or running to check on him if she hears him make a sound. Quinten continues to grow grow grow. He has started to cry now like a normal baby but not too often. He recently decided he enjoys sleeping all afternoon and evening so he can party from about the time mom wants to go to bed until about 3am. That's been a bit rough but we'll figure it out. Brian continues to be overworked but still manages to spend time with us each day and is honestly a huge help. He put in the extra effort to make mother's day special taking Ryanna shopping to get me flowers and even picked out a new shirt for me. In a nutshell we are doing great and feeling blessed. :)
1 week ago
Such cute kids!!!
You need to get the book "On Becoming Babywise" by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, MD. It helps you put your baby on a schedule. Both of my kids have been sleeping through the night by about 4-6 weeks old. I've had great success with it!
Yeah for big sisters. Mia was totally in love with Tiago, then she became less enamored. I think she was hoping for a girl to do girly things with. Tiago will do more then I think most men would feel comfortable with, but the make up and nail polish are never happening which bums Mia out.
I can't believe how much I am missing out on. I am soooo happy for you guys. Love you
your pics are vute and the kids are growing fast! sydney had a poor schedule liket hat for a while, but the good thing about kids is they usually just work in phases, i'm sure he'll straighten out soon ;) hope to see you soon!
aw.... cute!
Everyone should have a big sister who loves them the way ryanna loves Quinten. And someone to reach over and rub their back on occassion.
We love and miss you guys. John is working on the church.
June 6 is coming fast.
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