

Kayla is staying with us this week which is AWESOME! We were watching America's Got Talent yesterday and saw this little 11 year old kid who was a "rapper" - this kid said he'd been rapping for 8 years making him 3 when he started. Come on, give me a break! So we decided to make up some raps as if we were Ryanna. Here's a little taste:
My name's Ryanna - WHA!
Allergic to Peanuts - TRUE!
I got my Soy BB
I got my Soy BB
I got my Soy BB
Soy Butter Bread - WORD.
Anyway, the video above is from my cousin's blog and it CRACKS us up. It's hilarious! Here's a shout out to all you mini van parents out there.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Kristin, I LOVE this video. My other friend had it on her blog a while ago and we just laugh!! It really makes me want my own "swagger wagon"!;-) Love you!