Ryanna is now totally and officially potty trained. After the last attempt in December I decided to finally stop pushing it and just wait until she was willing and ready herself. A few days after her 3rd birthday she asked to wear panties. I gave her a pair and she hasn't had any problems since. She was finally willing and that was that. I've been amazed and proud of her. She was rewarded with the snow white dress up, her favorite.
Quinten started taking one or two steps between objects at least a month and a half ago. He just recently started walking more on his own, usually about 10 steps from the couch to someone else in the living room. He is getting more adventurous and is gaining better balance. He's such an adventurous little guy and so full of excitement. Lately he loves to give big open mouth kisses that sometimes turn into bites. Now with a mouth full of teeth (working on 9 and 10) that can really hurt. He's also using a few more words; Baba (bottle) his latest. Screaming DAAADAAAA is still his favorite.
1 week ago
What sweet kids! Yeah for potty training. It seems like it will never happen and then one day. . .your kid is in panties.
Yay for milestones!
So happy for two HUGE milestones. Congrats to both kiddos and to Mommy! Thanks for coming to lunch today!
Congrats! Can't wait till Cam is potty-trained but I fear we have a ways to go... Miss you and your cute family!
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