Three years ago I became a mother. Three years ago my heart exploded with love, excitement, hope, and pure joy. I am beyond privelaged to be Ryanna's mother and friend. She makes me laugh everyday. She is so smart and sweet. It's kind of funny but I pretty much dread her growing up and becoming the sassy teenager she's bound to be (just like I was). The reason for my dread? It is close to heartbreaking to think of a time when I'm not the coolest person to her, the center of her universe. Call me delusional or weird but there is nothing in the world that can make you feel as good as the unconditional, clingy love of a child.
In ways you are a daddy's girl Ryanna (Brian could write his own novel on how special his girl is) BUT I'm your mommy and always will be. I consider myself blessed everyday to be the mommy for you. :) Love you sweet girl!
Brian asked Ryanna what she wanted to do for her birthday and she said she wanted to play with Maddi and see Katie in Salt Lake. Maddi is the adorable little girl in the videos with the pink sweater. So we drove out Saturday morning, went to Brian's Mom's new apartment, then had a party for Ryanna at a McDonalds with a cool playground. We had a blast and drove home that night. The trip was well worth it and Ryanna had a great time. Friends who made it: The Bakers(Kristen, Scott, Maddi, and Sydney), Meakins(Allison{BYU roomie who is expecting twins!} and Ben), and Jen Butler{BYU roomie, mommy of 2, and clorax poster child:). Brian's mom Arlene was there for some Baldwin representation and my brother Jim for the Scoffields. It had been WAY too long since we'd seen either one of them. It was great to catch up for a bit. Jim is the best gift giver and Ryanna has loved dressing up her new barbie doll. Also we are thrilled to have Arlene living closer so Q and Ryanna can get their fill of Grandma!!
1 week ago
That was a beautiful post about the joys of motherhood! It reminded me of what I'm fighting for. :-)
Happy Birthday Ryanna!!
Oh! I loved the video of Ryanna singing in her princess gear! So cute. Hope you are having a great day with Brian home!
It sounds like Ryanna had a great birthday and I'm sad that we missed the gathering! Although, I wonder what you would have said about me...maybe a fantastic mother of soon to be 3!! ;-) Love you!
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