I know I'm a work of art but PLEASE!
An few tidbits on Ryanna: 2 years 7 months old. Can often be found reading by herself for hours each day and knows her books well enough to tell the story out loud. Listens and internalizes everything. I was telling her that she is my nice girl and she told me, "no Mommy. I bited my friend." Yes she did bite her friend but that was about 2 weeks previous and hadn't been repeated. Naturally this lead to a long talk and she now tells me she is a nice girl even right after doing something mean..... We're working on it. :) She lives much of her day playing pretend. The last 3 weeks she has been a character from the Disney cartoon Little Einsteins. At first we found this adorable since she assigned each member of the family a character. Well she decided Dad was June, the dancing girl in the purple dress. After a week of hearing "Hooray June is home! How was your day June? I love you June." Brian decided it wasn't funny. She has since assigned two of her friends as the characters that were Mom and Dad. This world of pretend includes playing on her "rocket"(her bike) every afternoon. Also popular in her world of pretend is playing bunny rabbit and bouncing all over the house. Yesterday she held her hand on her bum and told me "every bunny needs a tail!" So her hand was the tail. It was quite funny to watch. Ryanna also loves to sing, listen to music, and have mom sing to her. She knows every word to every Disney princess song although she hasn't seen many of the actual movies. I have just sang them to her enough that she knows them word for word and can be heard singing them. It was a little disturbing to hear her singing the song Reflection from Mulan the other day. "Look at me. I may never pass for the perfect bride or the perfect daughter..." Only 2 or 3 days before that she had asked me to sing a Mulan song after seeing her Mulan book that had been lost for a while. Somehow hearing it those few times she knew all the words. I was a bit horrified to hear my 2 year old singing such a depressing song. That day we went to the library to find some new music and found the Annie soundtrack. She hasn't stopped singing Mulan though. We also listen to primary CDs everyday and she's named almost every song. Quinten Song, Mommy Song, Family Song, Flower Song, Teacher Song, etc. She is also a good big sister. Last week there was a thunder and lightning storm. As it was getting more intense we turned off the lights to watch it out the window. Quinten was fussing and she came to him and said, "It's okay. I'll take care of you." She is changing and growing up so much. We just try to keep up and always show our love for our sweet daughter.
Tidbits on Quinten: 5 months 3 weeks old. Our little ball of sunshine and energy. He has many nicknames including Buddy Boy, Butterball, Q, and mostly commonly Quincy. Quincy is the name of one of the Little Einstein characters so he is Leo's(Ryanna's) playmate. He loves to eat cereal and has it two times a day. The last few days he eats about 2 or 3 servings for his dinner and would even love more! In a few weeks I'll start him on some mashed fruit and veggies which I'm sure he'll enjoy. He is a very messy eater(Ryanna never was). He loves to blow raspberries spraying mom with cereal. That's when I know he's getting full. :) Quinten loves to be wherever his sister is and loves to try and do whatever she is doing. The other day they were sitting at the counter. Ryanna is a vocal child and was screaming for fun. I told her to stop or she would need a timeout. I turned and heard an exact scream like she had just done. I turned to tell her to stop and saw that the screamer this time was Quinten with a huge smile on his face. He was just like sister and he knew it. He loves going outside on our walks or watching kids play at the park. He gets around pretty well. Can roll either direction and makes good distance before Mom realizes he's taken off. Every night after bath he plays in sister's room while she reads stories, sometimes to him. This is his favorite time of day, exploring, finding things to chew on, and stretching his abilities. He sometimes scoots forward like a catapillar and has crossed entire rooms this way but hasn't been doing it as much lately. He can push up on his knees but hasn't figured out how this could benefit him. In fairness our happy little guy isn't perfect and still struggles with sleeping at night. Mom hasn't figured out what the deal is yet with that..... Quinten will be 6 months old in another week. We can't believe it and can't imagine what life was like before he joined the team. We love our buddy boy!
In the second picture down of Quinten, it looks like he has a halo over his head!! Have you noticed that? Such cute kids!!
Awww! Love it!
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