
New antics

A few weeks ago Ryanna started doing this Elmer Fudd laugh in response to when we talk to her like Chipmunks saying "HI RYANNA!" We have used this voice since she was born when the animals on her mobile or any of her stuffed animals would talk to her via Mom or Dad in crazy voice. It finally dawned on us that it was basically a "fake" laugh. Apparantly, she wants to please us with her usual rounds of laughter but no longer finds it as hilarious. She is so sweet to feed our egos. :)

Ryanna's interest in all things Christmas led Mom to setting her in front of the stockings to entertain herself while Mom got stuff done. The other day she determined it was time to rip down the stockings and recover her stuffed animals. I doubted her but in the end she got them all down in a fit of determintation.

Almost everyday we spend time playing in Ryanna's room and sometimes I'll strip her down to her diaper because her room stays warm and she likes it. In the last week she has become curious about all the little parts of her room - i.e. she tries to role under her bed and sometimes succeeds, she also finds the handles on her dresser to be fascinating, etc.

First off this video is obviously side ways - my bad. Alright, Ryanna still has shown little interest in crawling but that hasn't kept her from getting around. She just started scooting around on her bum and proves to be quite a pro. She has scooted like this for a while but had little control. Now she can get across a room by scootin' on her bum - hilarious! Also, we've been reading books to Ryanna since she was about 5 months old and so she has quite a relationship with her books. Most of the time I can just give her a book to play with and she is entertained forever. When she is on our lap she insists on turning the pages (most the time)and sometimes even babbles like she is reading...or so it sounds. And yes she has her favorite stories and some she refuses to hear one more time.

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